Modern Wheat
1. The gluten in modern wheat damages the intestinal lining and cause symptoms like pain, stool inconsistency, anemia, bloating, and fatigue.
2. Wheat gluten causes people to have autoimmune markers in their blood, suggesting that the acidic grain might be causing autoimmune diseases.
3. Wheat spikes blood sugar rapidly, so eating it will make you feel hungry shortly after consumption.
4. Whole wheat raises LDL Cholesterol, which is associated with the risk of developing heart disease.
5. Wheat gluten causes skin problems and skin diseases such “eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis herpetiformis.
6. The phytic acid in wheat “steal” vital nutrients from the body.
7. Wheat is associated with serious disorders and diseases of the brain including schizophrenia, cerebellar ataxia, autism and epilepsy.