People have been eating onions for about 3,500 years and the alkaline vegetable offers superior health benefits for both the prevention and treatment of many common diseases. Onions can be good to help avoid and heal type 2 diabetes, some cancers, coronary heart disease, cataracts and more. Also, the vegetable act as a powerful antibiotic and is very helpful fighting illnesses caused by microbial contamination.
Onions contain compounds and minerals that has many health benefits. Several scientific studies published on these naturally-occurring compounds show that they are very effective in protecting the nerves and the cardiovascular system. The compounds also boost immune function, fight the growth of many types of tumors, and help to promote healthy hormone function.
Also impressive are the hundreds of scientific references, which cites the anti-cancer properties of onions. These works help support why people should eat them to help prevent cancer.
In addition, onion demonstrates significant blood sugar-modifying properties which help fight against both type 2 diabetes and obesity. Supplementary to eating other healthy alkaline foods, eating onions can help get your blood sugar and your weight on the right track.
More health benefits of onions are that they enhance elasticity of blood vessels, lower cholesterol, inhibit hardening of the arteries, and help to maintain healthy blood pressure.
Recommendation: Eat onions every day. Chop them into salads, cook them with other alkaline vegetables, and put them in meals throughout the day.