For years, people have raved about oatmeal, claiming that it’s a healthy choice of food to eat. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the idea of oatmeal being a healthy food is a big misconception. Below is an explanation on how consuming oatmeal regularly can actually lead to many health complication.
Oatmeal has avenin in it. Avenin appears to have some of the same problems as gluten. Consuming avenin can wear the lining of the intestines and cause undigested food to “leak” from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.
Avenin is also linked to thyroid issues, depression and anxiety, weight gain, blood sugar issues (either low or high blood sugar) and other symptoms.
Oatmeal contains phytic acid. Phytate robs the body of vital minerals and prevents them for being absorbed. This leaves the body vulnerable and susceptible to developing diseases. So, even if a grain is rich in minerals, the presence of phytate prevents the body from absorbing them.
Oatmeal is acid and mucus forming in the body. Eating acidic forming foods can make the body susceptible to diseases like cancer, liver problems and heart disease.
Oatmeal spikes the blood sugar, so they won’t keep you feeling satisfied. When the sugar high wears off, you’ll be hungry for another high-carb meal shortly after consumption. This can contribute to unwanted weight gain.
Oatmeal is one of the most bland, tasteless foods in the world to eat if it’s not diced up with additives. Many people add sugar to oatmeal in an effort to make it taste better. The sugar helps to create even more complications, and illnesses in the body.
Note: Consuming alkaline grains like teff, kamut, quinoa, fonio or spelt in the place of oatmeal is a much healthier choice.