Many people swear by these foods because the media along with people’s anecdotal results have helped to build cult followings. But the truth is, these foods can do serious damage to the body. Yes, some of the them do have some benefits, but the bad tremendously outweighs the good, and consuming these foods actually lead to several health issues. Below are eight so-called “health foods” that researchers concluded were unhealthy through numerous studies.
1. Oatmeal is acid and mucus forming in the body.
2. Oatmeal wears the lining of the intestines and causes undigested food to “leak” from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.
3. Leaking food from the guts can lead to thyroid issues, depression and anxiety, weight gain, blood sugar issues (either low or high blood sugar) and other symptoms.
4. Oatmeal contains phytate. Phytate robs the body of vital minerals and prevents them for being absorbed.
5. Oatmeal spikes the blood sugar, so eating them won’t keep you feeling full.