Some of the components present in walnuts have the capability of controlling the growth of cancer cells in the body. The antioxidants found in walnuts recorded a control on human cancer cells, according to the research conducted by Carvalho et al. (2010) from the University of Portugal.
Ginger Tea
One of the most exciting developments in the discussion of ginger and its impact on human health has been the positive correlation between the organic compounds in ginger and the prevention of cancer. Gingerols, those same compounds which give ginger its anti-inflammatory qualities, have also been shown to prevent carcinogenic activity in the colon that can lead to colorectal cancer. Don’t miss out on the health benefits of our 100% Organic Alkaline Ginger Tea. To purchase click photo below:
Turnip Greens
The green alkaline vegetable prevents cancer because it contains detoxifying, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. All three play are a major part in the fight against bladder, breast, colon, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancers. Studies show that the antioxidants properties in turnip greens defend against the risk of toxin-related damage; which can ultimately turn cells cancerous.
Goji Berry
Scientific investigations into goji berry fruit revealed various anti-cancerous properties. They were tested on human cancer cells, which showed considerable control over the growth of cancer cells. Apoptosis, or the sudden death of cells, was observed for cancer cells when goji berry extracts were administered.
Lettuce (Except Iceberg)
Lettuce leaf can control certain type of cancer. Research on human cancer cells, particularly leukemia cells and breast cancer cells, were controlled to a significant extent after being treated with lettuce extracts. The experiments also suggested that the weight ratio of human lettuce consumption required to kill 50% of leukemia cells would be 6.6 pounds.
Tila has an impressive arsenal of antioxidants, that can help by preventing and treating various forms of cancer. Those antioxidant compounds, like quercetin and coumarin, prevent toxins from causing apoptosis or mutation in healthy cells, which often leads to cancer. Don’t miss out on the health benefits of our 100% Organic Alkaline Tila Tea. To purchase click photo below:
Recent studies concluded that cucumbers contain powerful lignans that contribute to reducing risk of several cancers, including breast, uterus, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Phytonutrients in cucumbers called cucurbitacins are known to strongly prevent cancer cell from developing in the body. In one study, cucumber extracts were found to provide phytonutrients that have free radical scavenging and analgesic activities, ultimately sweeping the body of toxins that cause cancer.
The National Cancer Institute initially discovered the effect of soursop on cancer stating, “leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.” Another study published in the Journal of Natural Products concluded that one element found in the soursop was 10,000 times more effective than a chemotherapy drug called Adriamycin. Purdue University concluded that soursop leaves “killed cancer cells among six human cell lines”.
The presence of antioxidants in the extract of sarsaparilla has been very exciting for cancer researchers around the world. Results show positive associations between the flavonoid and sterol contents of the plant and a reduction in cancerous cells. Antioxidants in sarsaparilla neutralize toxins, the cancer-causing byproducts of cellular respiration. Don’t miss out on the health benefits of our 100% Organic Alkaline Sarsaparilla Tea. To purchase click photo below:
According to a new study by Texas AgriLife Research, scientists analyzed data and concluded that mangoes showed the ability to fight against leukemia, lung and prostate cancers but they were most effective on breast and colon cancers.
Researchers claim that blackberries may be among the most potent cancer-fighting fruits. Blackberries are rich in substances that may have cancer-protective properties. According to studies, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, (which is in blackberries) has chemotherapeutic and chemo-protective activity. Ellagic, another substance in blackberries, has been shown to inhibit cancer cells from forming. These properties in blackberries may effectively prevent cancer, according to scientists.
Tomatillo has recently been named as a food that can help fight and prevent cancer. A naturally occurring phytochemical compounds called withanolides, such as Ixocarpalactone-A, is one of the compounds in tomatillo found to be a natural cancer fighter, according to studies. The discovery about tomatillo began when researchers from University of Kansas examined the fruit’s compounds and found that it has the abilities to fight against several cancers. The withanolides content in tomatillo was found to be effective against breast cancer, leukemia, cancer of the esophagus, melanomas, thyroid cancer, pancreas cancer, and even some brain tumors.