A blackberry is a sweet, tart flavor fruit that is alkaline forming in the body. The nutrient profile of a blackberry is very impressive and the fruit has many health benefits.
Blackberries are full essential minerals and are low in calories (only 43 calories per 100g serving) and sodium. They are also a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. One 100g serving of blackberries have 5.3 g of fiber, which is 14 percent of what is recommended daily.
Blackberries are also rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which rid the body of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The two antioxidants are among the best high-ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) foods available in are very effective in fighting cancer.
The blackberry also has high levels of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals, which protect against aging, inflammation, cancer, and other neurological diseases.
Researchers claim that blackberries may be among the most potent cancer-fighting fruits. Blackberries are rich in substances that may have cancer-protective properties.
According to studies, Cyanidin 3-glucoside, (which is in blackberries) has chemotherapeutic and chemo-protective activity. Ellagic, another substance in blackberries, has been shown to inhibit cancer cells from forming. These properties in blackberries may effectively prevent cancer, according to scientist.
Eat blackberries in moderation because they have fructose in them, which could be harmful to the body if they are consumed in excessive amounts in one sitting.