Avocado is an alkaline fruit that can help to treat people with liver damage, according to scientists in Japan. At the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, researchers presented evidence that avocados contain potent natural elements that may reduce liver damage.
To test their theory for food effective against liver damage, the scientists fed 22 different kinds of fruit to a group of rats that have liver injuries caused by galactosamine, a powerful liver toxin. After testing the liver enzymes, the avocado showed to be the most potent and effective among these fruits in slowing liver damage, according to the lead researchers, Hirokazu Kawagishi, Ph.D., and Kimio Sugiyama, Ph.D., professors at Shizuoka University in Shizuoka, Japan.
“Besides offering taste and nutrition, avocados seem to improve liver health,” says Kawagishi. “People should eat more of them.”
Five compounds were active in reducing the damaged livers. All five compounds were tested in rats with chemically induced liver injuries. The damage to the livers resembled those caused by viruses, implying that avocados may be especially promising for the treatment of viral hepatitis, according to the researchers.
The researchers say more studies have to be done on humans to determine how their results translate into liver protection among people.
In addition to benefiting the liver, the alkaline fruits are rich in minerals that help reduce birth defects in pregnant women.