Eating “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This actually may be a true statement. According to a claim by U.S. Apple Association (USApple), ‘eating apples can be one of the most convenient and accessible ways to fight many of the factors that contribute to heart disease, the leading cause of death globally.’
There have been several studies reported on the health benefits of apples.
Ohio State University researchers showed that eating ‘an apple a day’ for 30 days lowers bad LDL cholesterol by 40%.
A study conducted by the University of Oxford (UK) found that eating ‘an apple a day’ may be equally beneficial as daily statin use in preventing vascular deaths in individuals over 50.
A University of Florida study concluded that eating two apples a day reduced LDL cholesterol by 23%.
Another studies showed that people who eat apples regularly are more likely to have lower blood pressure and smaller waistlines.
Wendy Brannen, Director of Consumer Health and Public Relations of USApple said, “Not only are apples versatile and delicious, but they’re a superfood packed with powerful antioxidants and heart health benefits.
Nutrition Consultant Geetu Amarnani added, “Eating one large apple provides 20% of the recommended daily value of dietary fiber, 8% of essential antioxidants, and 7% of your day’s potassium, all for only 130 calories. Besides Apples containing a wide variety of flavonoid compounds good for the heart, apples are low in calories and fat, low in sodium and contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. It helps in increasing health and vitality to keep active throughout the day. The phytochemicals present in apple helps to reduce the problems such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and asthma.”