Raspberries are a colourful alkaline berries that people eat in many places around the world. The fruits have a long history and their existence dates back to prehistoric times. Raspberries are believed to have originated in eastern Asia, but there are also varieties of raspberries that originated in the western hemisphere.
While the berries are popular, edible and extremely delicious many people don’t know of the health benefits of eating them.
According to studies, raspberries are definitely a fruit that women should eat during pregnancy. It is said that consuming the fruit during pregnancy helps to ensure a healthier pregnancy.
Raspberries contain a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium and manganese and has many benefits of eating the during pregnancy. Consuming the fruit’s leaves are also extremely beneficial to ease childbirth as they are found to be beneficial in treating morning sickness and treating bleeding gums.
Raspberries also aids in the delivery process, strengthens the immunity system, prevents minor ailments, cures dizziness, fatigue, and haemorrhage.
Besides aiding with pregnancy, the fruit is said to help in fight against cancer.